Tarkwa Breman Community

GPSF day trip to Tarkwa Breman community clinic Aug 2023. The Clinic is part of the cocoa 360 campus which leverages community farm revenues to self sustain health and education in the community. I was to hold a one day clinic for the community unfortunately the rains complicated by galamsey activity in the area had flooded the road to the town. A 30 minute journey from Bordie to Breman became a 6 hour journey of canoe rides, wading in water and walking parts of the journey carrying our medications donated by Americares USA. For this reason the medications worth about $25,000 dollars including antibiotics, oral hypoglycemics, antihypertensives, antifungals, multivitamins, peripheral line catheters were presented to the clinic, Physician Assistant who later shared with us the benefit the community especially the antenatal clinic had from it.

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